Author name: Raquel Catalano

Why Teens Should Understand Their Own Brains (And Why Their Teachers Should, Too!)

A teenage brain is a fascinating, still-changing place. There’s a lot going on: social awareness, risk-taking, peer pressure; all are heightened during this period. Until relatively recently, it was thought that the brain was only actively developing during childhood, but in the last two decades, researchers have confirmed that the brain continues to develop during

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Bring Back Handwriting: It’s Good for Your Brain

Not so long ago, putting pen to paper was a fundamental feature of daily life. Journaling and diary-keeping were commonplace, and people exchanged handwritten letters with friends, loved ones, and business associates. While longhand communication is more time-consuming and onerous, there’s evidence that people may in some cases lose out when they abandon writing for

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Why Deeply Diving Into Content Could Be the Key to Reading Comprehension

A lot of people are concerned that American kids aren’t learning to read. And rightly so. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows only about a third of fourth-graders are proficient in reading. Much of the recent debate has been a return to an old battle between advocates of phonics instruction versus those who favor a whole-language approach

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